2016년 11월 22일 화요일



에르미나성, 바다로부터의 경치(1668년)

에르미나성(Elmina Castle)은, 현재의 가나, 에르미나에, 1482년포르투갈인에 의해서 지어진 .사하라 이남에서 최고의 유럽 건축으로, 기니 만에서 최초의 교역지.후에 대서양 노예 무역의 거점이 된다.


참고 문헌

  • Andrea, Alfred J and James H. Overfield. "African Colonialism, "The Human Record: Sources of Global History, Fifth Edition, Volume 2. Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston, 2005.
  • Bruner, Edward M. "Tourism in Ghana: The representation of slavery and the return of the Black Diaspora." American Anthropologist 98 (2): 290-304.
  • Claridge, Walton W. A History of the Gold Coast and Ashanti, Second Edition. Frank Cass & Co. Ltd.: London, 1964.
  • Daaku, Kwame Yeboa. Trade & Politics on the Gold Coast 1600-1720. Oxford University Press: London, 1970.
  • DeCorse, Christopher R. An Archaeology of Elmina: Africans and Europeans on the Gold Coast, 1400-1900. Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington, 2001
  • Doortmont, Michel R.; Jinna Smit (2007). Sources for the mutual history of Ghana and the Netherlands. An annotated guide to the Dutch archives relating to Ghana and West Africa in the Nationaal Archief, 1593-1960s. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-15850-4. 
  • Hair, P.E.H. The founding of the Castelo de Sao Jorge da Mina: an analysis of the sources. Madison: University of Wisconsin, African Studies Program, 1994. ISBN 0-942615-21-2
  • Pacheco, Duarte. Esmeraldo de situ orbis, c. 1505-1508.
  • Forts of Ghana
  • World Statesmen-Ghana
  • Strategy 2015 Project

좌표: 북위 5도 04부 59초 서경 1도 20부 53초□/□북위 5.083도 서경 1.348도□/ 5.083; -1. 348

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