코린・곳간 안
코린・곳간 안(Colin Crouch, 1944년- )은, 영국의 사회학자, 정치학자.워릭크 대학 명예 교수.
런던・스쿨・오브・경제학, 옥스포드 대학 트리니티카렛지, 유럽 대학원 대학, 워릭크 대학 비즈니스 스쿨에서 사회학을 강의(강구)했다.
- The student revolt, Bodley Head, 1970.
- Politics in a technological society, Fabian Society, 1970.
- Class conflict and the industrial relations crisis: compromise and corporatism in the policies of the British State, Humanities Press, 1977.
- The politics of industrial relations, Manchester University Press, 1979.
- Trade unions: the logic of collective action, Fontana Paperbacks, 1982.
- Industrial relations and European state traditions, Oxford University Press, 1993.
- Social change in Western Europe, Oxford University Press, 1999.
- Coping with post-democracy, Fabian Society, 2000.
- Commercialisation or citizenship: education policy and the future of public services, Fabian Society, 2003.
- Post-democracy, Polity, 2004.
- Capitalist diversity and change: recombinant governance and institutional entrepreneurs, Oxford University Press, 2005.
- The strange non-death of neoliberalism, Polity, 2011.
- Are skills the answer?: the political economy of skill creation in advanced industrial countries, Colin Crouch, David Finegold, and Mari Sako, Oxford University Press, 1999.
- Innovation in local economies: Germany in comparative context, Colin Crouch and Helmut Voelzkow, Oxford University Press, 2009.
- British political sociology yearbook, vol. 3: Participation in politics, edited by Colin Crouch, C. Helm, 1977.
- The Resurgence of class conflict in western Europe since 1968, vol. 1: National studies, edited by Colin Crouch and Alessandro Pizzorno, Macmillan, 1978.
- The Resurgence of class conflict in western Europe since 1968, vol. 2: Comparative analyses, edited by Colin Crouch and Alessandro Pizzorno, Macmillan, 1978.
- State and economy in contemporary capitalism, edited by Colin Crouch, Croom Helm, 1979.
- Organizational democracy and political processes, edited by Colin Crouch and Frank A. Heller, J. Wiley, 1983.
- The new centralism: Britain out of step in Europe?, edited by Colin Crouch and David Marquand, B. Blackwell, 1989.
- Corporatism and accountability: organized interests in British public life, edited by Colin Crouch and Ronald Dore, Clarendon Press, 1990.
- European industrial relations: the challenge of flexibility, edited by Guido Baglioni and Colin Crouch, Sage, 1990.
- The politics of 1992: beyond the single European market, edited by Colin Crouch and David Marquand, B. Blackwell, 1990.
- Towards greater Europe?: a Continent without an Iron Curtain, edited by Colin Crouch and David Marquand, Blackwell Publishers, 1992.
- Social research and social reform: essays in honour of A. H. Halsey, edited by Colin Crouch and Anthony Heath, Oxford University Press, 1992.
- Ethics and markets: co-operation and competition within capitalist economies, edited by Colin Crouch and David Marquand, Blackwell, 1993.
- Organized industrial relations in Europe: what future?, edited by Colin Crouch and Franz Traxler, Avebury, 1995.
- Reinventing collective action: from the global to the local, edited by Colin Crouch and David Marquand, Blackwell Publishers, 1995.
- Political economy of modern capitalism: mapping convergence and diversity, edited by Colin Crouch and Wolfgang Streeck, Sage, 1997.
- After the Euro: shaping institutions for Governance in the wake of European Monetary Union, edited by Colin Crouch, Oxford University Press, 2000.
- Citizenship, markets, and the state, edited by Colin Crouch, Klaus Eder, and Damian Tambini, Oxford University Press, 2001.
- The diversity of democracy: corporatism, social order and political conflict, edited by Colin Crouch and Wolfgang Streeck, E. Elgar, 2006.
- The responsible corporation in a global economy, edited by Colin Crouch and Camilla Maclean, Oxford University Press, 2011.
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